Year 5
Year Five decided that they wished to work as a team to raise money for a local charity. It was initially challenging to agree on how we would fundraise, but eventually it was decided that we would make a lemonade stand and sell drinks to pupils and parents after school.
As a class, they budgeted and worked out fair prices to charge based on profit projections. Some children were even smart enough to encourage bulk buying by offering a discount if purchasing more than one item. A good dose of excellent business sense there!
The day itself went very well indeed. The children actually sold and therefore raised more than they expected. I am certain much of this due to the fact that the children worked very well as a team. Everybody was involved and equally important, whether they were filling cups, selling biscuits or working at the till point.
Once the money had been counted, it was decided that the charity of choice would be Billy's Wish. This was set up to eradicate knife crime in the local area.