Eco Warriors
Each year, a voted representative from Y1-6 meet fortnightly with Ms Ozkaya to discuss eco related issues at our school. They ensure we are doing all we can to reduce, reuse and recycle as well as ensuring our school site is free from litter and other environmental hazards.
Sam and Akash (Y6)
Being Eco-friendly.
The eco-council are continuing to ensure that smartboards are turned off when not in use and the lights are switched off when the sun is shining. This will helped save lots of energy!
Today, the eco-council began to flatten the hundreds of crisp packets we have collected, ready to send to the charity before Christmas. The charity will then turn these into blankets for homeless people to help keep them warm.
Today at eco-warriors we discussed how to use less water. We worked out that in school we have 25 toilets which are flushed on a regular basis! How much water this must use!
We plan to help the environment and help the school by collecting 25 empty 500ml drinks bottles, filling them with water from the tap and placing them (asking Mr Major to!) into the cisterns in the toilets. They will displace the water that would have been in the place of the bottle, saving 500ml on every single flush in every toilet!
Our first day of collecting crisp packets! What a great start!
Today, we received our box to start collecting empty crisps packets at lunchtime. We will then send these to a company who use these to make blankets for homeless people to help keep them warm. The children designed posters to explain to others what we were doing!
The eco-warriors had a task to complete today! They needed to check each classroom for the following:
- Are all the lights left on?
- Is the smart TV still on when not being used?
- Is there paper in the waste bin?
- Are the toilet lights on when no-one is in there?
We looked at the results and the Eco-warriors decided that they would become their class monitor for ensuring the lights and the smart TV were turned off when no-one was in the classroom to help save our planet!
First Meeting!
The Eco Warriors had their first meeting with Ms Ozkaya. We discussed ways we could help the school become even more eco friendly, as well as discussing an idea using empty crisp packets from children's school lunches to help the homeless - watch this space!