Year 4
As part of our community project, Year 4 went litter picking around the local area. The class decided not only did they want to pick up litter, they wanted to split it into general rubbish and recycling! Each child left school with a litter picker and knew which bag was for recycling and which was for general rubbish. We started by walking in groups down Green Lane and into the park, where children were shocked at the amount of rubbish they found! Then, we moved onto the shops and continued picking up rubbish, before crossing to the cricket pitch. We continued picking up rubbish all the way back to school.
After an hour and a half of litter picking, Year 4 collected five rubbish bags and two general waste bags! The children found plastic bottles, wrappers, cans and even an old rug! Upon returning to class, we discussed why it was important not to litter on the ground and the damage it does to the environment, animals and the effect it has on the community.