Christmas Bazaar 2024
We raised a total of £1733.49!
This would not have been possible without you. Thank you to everyone who donated gifts and bottles for our tombolas, folded raffle tickets, and to everyone who volunteered to help set up, man the stalls and clear away after the event. We appreciate your support very much!
Thank you to all the staff that made the Christmas tree baubles too!
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Fundraisin' event and we hope all the children enjoyed their raisins.
The totals raised by each class are;
Nursery - £26.24
Reception - £53.27
Year 1 - £32.64
Year 2 - £54.62
Year 3 - £7.25
Year 4 - £48.64
Year 5 - £18.37
Year 6 - £26.13
We raised a total of £267.16. This money will go towards the travelling panto performance of 'Scroogical' on 28th November.
Congratulations to year 2 who raised the most by a very small margin! The children will receive their prize next week.
Welcome to Leverstock Green PTA Page
Here you will find news on upcoming fundraising events, and information on how the money we raise is being spent.
How can you help?
The more volunteers we have, the less work it is for everyone involved and the more events we can run.
We have lots of exciting events coming up in the Spring term!
You don't have to join the committee or attend any meetings, but please consider volunteering to support us at one of our events. This could be by;
- Cutting, sticking and general crafts
- Baking/cooking
- Sourcing raffle prizes
- Setting up or clearing up events
- Wrapping prizes
- Face painting
- Running stalls at events
- Folding raffle tickets
Please also think about whether your company could help raise money by signing up to Matched Giving.
You can also easily raise money for us while shopping online by going to
Shop at Asda? Download the app and start supporting us!
Check out how the money we have raised has been spent. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has made this all possible.
As a parent of a child at Leverstock Green CoE School, you are automatically a member of the PTA.
The PTA committee values everyone's comments, contributions and ideas. We couldn’t possibly achieve what we do without the help and support of parents and staff.
We currently have 9 parent committee members.
Mrs Emma Slater - Chair
Mrs Natalie Stanbridge - Vice chair
Mrs Angela Blandford - Secretary
Mrs Jane Haywood - Marketing Secretary
Mrs Donna Mathew - Treasurer
Mrs Vicky Mayne
Mrs Katie Bull
Mrs Natasha Munday
Mrs Louise Tavares