Class 4
Dear parents,
Homework is now up and running for this week (16.01.25) both on Mymaths and Edshed.
Please can the children make a real effort logging in and completing both? The numbers of children who haven't logged in at all has now crept up to half the class!
Although home learning isn't compulsory, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that those who repeatedly refuse are harming their performance, academically, well beyond primary and secondary school level. Home learning, most of the time, is reinforcing the learning we have done throughout the week so shouldn't be anything new for them.
They are also aware that we gather ready to learn points each week where the winning class for that term gets to choose a prize lesson (movie, biking, scooters etc...). Unfortunately we have never obtained the homework points.
If we can make a real effort this term (inc. reading records handed in each day), we will have a chance to win by the end of the term.
Many thanks
Mr Leonard
Group 2 Homework - 16.01.25
Group 2: Home Learning to be handed in on Tuesday 21st January 2025 | |
This week the children have been set an activity named ‘Units of measure ‘on the website. It is not our intention for home learning to cause unnecessary anxiety in the household, therefore if there any concerns, please ensure you speak to the teacher in advance of the Tuesday deadline to ensure we can put the necessary support in place. | |
Weekly expectations | |
Times tables | Reading |
Please ensure your children practises their times tables daily on TTRS. This only needs to be for 5/ 10 minutes per day but daily practise is proven to lead to greater fluency. | Please ensure your child has read a minimum of 5 times and logged it into their reading record. Reading is the key to them accessing the full curriculum and they will struggle with further learning without the necessary practise. |
Spellings- these will be tested on Thursdays. Please ensure they have been practised prior to this. | |
Touch |
Double |
Country |
Trouble |
Young |
Cousin |
Enough |
Couple |
Encourage |
flourish |
Reminders | |
Children will find the spellings easier the more they play Edshed throughout the week. Each assignment and games they play will expose them to these lists.
| |
Happy learning! Mr Leonard & Mrs Trabucchi |
Group 1 Homework - 16.01.25
Group 1: Home Learning to be handed in on Tuesday 21st January 2025 | |
This week the children have been set an activity named Time Conversions 2‘ on the website. It is not our intention for home learning to cause unnecessary anxiety in the household, therefore if there any concerns, please ensure you speak to the teacher in advance of the Tuesday deadline to ensure we can put the necessary support in place. | |
Weekly expectations | |
Times tables | Reading |
Please ensure your children practises their times tables daily on TTRS. This only needs to be for 5/ 10 minutes per day but daily practise is proven to lead to greater fluency. | Please ensure your child has read a minimum of 5 times and logged it into their reading record. Reading is the key to them accessing the full curriculum and they will struggle with further learning without the necessary practise. |
Spellings- these will be tested on Thursdays. Please ensure they have been practised prior to this. | |
sadly |
Completely |
Wildly |
Bravely |
Gently |
Foolishly |
Proudly |
Horribly |
Nervously |
happily |
Reminders | |
Children will find the spellings easier the more they play Edshed throughout the week. Each assignment and games they play will expose them to these lists.
| |
Happy learning! Mr Leonard & Mrs Trabucchi |
Dear parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Welcome back! We are already a week into the term and it has gone super fast! Below, I have added the Spring Term overview for our curriculum, so you all get an idea what we will be teaching this half term. I have also upload this week's homework with spellings.
Please can the children continue to play TTRS as much as possible, as well as Edshed? This will help them improve their spellings the more they play as they will be the words that get tested next Thursday.
Please catch me after school if you need to speak to me regarding your child's learning. Alternatively, contact the school office if you want to go through anything in more detail.
Many Thanks,
Mr Leonard
Spring Term 1 - Curriculum Map
Homework - 9.1.25 - Group 2
Group 2: Home Learning to be handed in on Tuesday 10th January 2025 | |
This week the children have been set an activity named ‘4 times tables ‘on the website. It is not our intention for home learning to cause unnecessary anxiety in the household, therefore if there any concerns, please ensure you speak to the teacher in advance of the Tuesday deadline to ensure we can put the necessary support in place. | |
Weekly expectations | |
Times tables | Reading |
Please ensure your children practises their times tables daily on TTRS. This only needs to be for 5/ 10 minutes per day but daily practise is proven to lead to greater fluency. | Please ensure your child has read a minimum of 5 times and logged it into their reading record. Reading is the key to them accessing the full curriculum and they will struggle with further learning without the necessary practise. |
Spellings- these will be tested on Thursdays. Please ensure they have been practised prior to this. | |
mouth |
around |
sprout |
sound |
spout |
ouch |
hound |
trout |
found |
proud |
Reminders | |
Children will find the spellings easier the more they play Edshed throughout the week. Each assignment and games they play will expose them to these lists.
| |
Happy learning! Mr Leonard & Mrs Trabucchi |
Homework - 9.1.25 - Group 1
Group 1: Home Learning to be handed in on Tuesday 14th January 2025 | |
This week the children have been set an activity named Multiplying by 10 and 100‘ on the website. It is not our intention for home learning to cause unnecessary anxiety in the household, therefore if there any concerns, please ensure you speak to the teacher in advance of the Tuesday deadline to ensure we can put the necessary support in place. | |
Weekly expectations | |
Times tables | Reading |
Please ensure your children practises their times tables daily on TTRS. This only needs to be for 5/ 10 minutes per day but daily practise is proven to lead to greater fluency. | Please ensure your child has read a minimum of 5 times and logged it into their reading record. Reading is the key to them accessing the full curriculum and they will struggle with further learning without the necessary practise. |
Spellings- these will be tested on Thursdays. Please ensure they have been practised prior to this. | |
adoration |
admiration |
coronation |
detonation |
observation |
location |
generation |
exploration |
combination |
illustration |
Reminders | |
Children will find the spellings easier the more they play Edshed throughout the week. Each assignment and games they play will expose them to these lists.
| |
Happy learning! Mr Leonard & Mrs Trabucchi |
Dear Parents,
This is just a quick reminder for the children - spellings set each week will be easier if they continue to log in and complete the assignments on Edshed each week. The spelling words are linked to the week's assignment on this site (
Can all children make sure they are playing TTRS as well. Studio is the ideal game they should be playing. They must also be selecting all times tables (2 to 12). Some children are selecting just 2s, 5s and 10s in order to improve their speed. If they do this, they are harming their chances for the all important tables tables test in the summer. Please can they make sure they cover them all.
Many thanks and help
Mr Leonard
Spring 1 Curriculum Overview 2025
Meet the Teacher slides 24.09.24
Year 4 PE Days 2024-25
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Zones of Regulation presentation and resources
Please find attached information regarding the Multiplication Check your child will complete in June.
Mymaths guidance
Active Maths
Below is the link for the multiplication check as promised.
Please try and practise as often as possible to ensure your child is familiar with the layout and time pressure. We will also be using this website to practise in class. The multiplication check will be carried out in June.