Our Church School
There has been a church primary school in Leverstock Green since 1840. Although long since lost, the original trust deed is believed to have been set up to educate the children of the parish, and that is still our aim today. The previous school building was located in Pancake Lane and the foundation stone is now in our spiritual garden. It reminds us of our responsibility to continue the long tradition of service to local children. We believe in educating the 'whole child', not just academically, but also spiritually, culturally and socially. We are acutely aware that we are educating children not just for their formative years but also for their future lives and so we encourage them to be 'the person God intended them to be.'
We are a vibrant and inclusive community where everyone is welcome. As a voluntary controlled school, church attendance is not a requirement for admission and we welcome families of all faiths and none. We firmly believe in our vision scripture taken from Paul's letter to the Galatians, in which he reminds them and us 'You are all the children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus.' We believe this extends to everyone, adult or child, and all are invited to become part of our school community.
We underpin all our actions with three core Christian values, which were chosen by our stakeholders: love, respect and forgiveness. Love for others as we would wish to be loved ourselves, respect for others in all that we do and all that we are, and forgiveness for all when things go wrong. We model these values to the children, teach them to take on these values for themselves and use them to hold ourselves and others to account.
Worship is a central part of each school day. We gather together to enjoy time to reflect, to praise and to offer prayers and celebrate each other's achievements. Our worship is inclusive and invitational and follows Anglican tradition. We enjoy close links with Holy Trinity, our parish church, and Revd Lizzie leads worship every Thursday. The children enjoy asking her challenging questions! We take our worship to Holy Trinity at important times of the year. We celebrate Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter, as well as an annual leavers service to say goodbye to our pupils moving on to their secondary schools.
Children have opportunities to explore and deepen their experience of spirituality throughout the school day. Each class has a well-resourced i-Space, a place for quiet personal reflection. In the main corridor, as well as a whole school i-Space, our RE Ambassadors create a 'Big Questions Corner', where all children have the opportunity to explore big questions together. Children also have the opportunity to add their own prayers to our prayer tree.
Religious Education (RE) is an exceedingly important part of our curriculum. It follows the locally agreed syllabus and while Christianity is a prominent focus, children also learn about other world faiths and world views. Children enjoy many opportunities to learn from first hand experiences, such as visits to places of worship, visitors and our bi-annual RE Weeks.
Our Core Christian Values
Our School Prayer
We believe it is essential for our children to learn about the wider world and their part in our global community. Through a Christian charity called Compassion, we sponsor a Peruvian girl called Melany. Melany lives with her family in a jungle village and our sponsorship enables her to go to school and have access to health care. The children raise money to maintain our commitment and we exchange letters with Melany throughout the year. The children are always amazed that her school does not have internet access!
Woodland Worship
Woodland Worship at Leverstock Green CE Primary School
marked its first anniversary in January 2024
In partnership with local Holy Trinity Church, we hold our own monthly Forest Church – called Woodland Worship - with the aim of deepening the school’s Christian distinctiveness, whilst leading to a mutually beneficial relationship between worshippers of both communities and all ages.
Led by Revd. Lizzie Hood, a school governor and a parent, and supported by a generous grant from the Leverstock Green RE Fund, our monthly sessions immerse young and old in the natural world, stimulating every sense, and providing hands-on activities in a unique form of worship and spiritual enrichment.
Everyone is welcome (children need an accompanying adult) to our 45-minute sessions held at 3:30pm on each 3rd Tuesday of the month. We start and finish with a song; a bible story stimulates an activity, reflection and prayer; and we finish with a final treat of toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate.