The Curriculum at Leverstock Green
At Leverstock Green we follow the statutory National Curriculum. We aim to provide our pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, teaching them the skills and knowledge to both progress within each area of learning and prepare each child for the next stage of their personal learning journey. Our curriculum intent is built on the premise that we ‘are all the children of God’ (Galatians 3:26) and as such, our curriculum experience is supported, scaffolded and extended according to children’s individual needs.
Children will be offered many opportunities to learn outside of the classroom through trips out, visitors coming in and specialist workshops. Parents and carers are encouraged to get involved through our ‘home learning’ activities.
Our EYFS curriculum is organised into 6 topics per year, based on the revised statutory Early Years Framework. The over-arching topics are designed to be meaningful to all of our youngest children but also able to be adapted according to their needs and responses. Learning takes place both indoors and out, with Forest School being a well-established part of the children’s weekly routine.
We place great emphasis on the fundamental skills of reading, writing and numeracy as the basis for learning in all other areas of the curriculum. English and Mathematics, whilst taught daily, are carefully planned to build incrementally over time with opportunities to revisit key concepts regularly and to use skills in other areas of the curriculum throughout KS1&2.
As a Voluntary Controlled school, there is an emphasis upon a regular, weekly lesson in Religious Education which is taught using the Hertfordshire agreed syllabus supplemented by Understanding Christianity and Emmanuel Project resources.
Teachers’ PPA time (planning, preparation and assessment) is covered by specialist teachers. We have developed our own scheme of work for Music and we use Get Set 4 PE to support the specialist and non-specialist PE teachers. KS2 children swim for a term each in years 3, 4 and 5.
Our children are provided with many opportunities to learn about British values: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance. Some of this is taught explicitly and some taught through the ‘wider’ curriculum, such as electing representatives for the Change Team or developing our class behaviour charters. In addition, the 5 Rs are embedded into our curriculum; they are reflection, reciprocity, resourcefulness, resilience and responsibility. These are essential skills which children must develop to become successful lifelong learners.
All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of every child, ensuring they all have the chance to thrive, progress and achieve.
If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please speak to Miss Newman.
Please note: The content below is currently being updated.
To find out more about the National Curriculum, please read this document:
Further Information
If you would like further information about our curriculum, please contact Miss Newman via the school office.