Class 6
Home Learning. Spring 1. Week 5. Handed out: Thursday 6th February 2025. Due in: After Half Term
Home Learning to be handed in on Tuesday 25th February 2025 (AFTER HALF TERM) | |
This week, and over half term, the children have been given their most recent practise SATs papers (the 2019 KS2 test). It would be extremely helpful for their learning and to further develop their understanding, if over the following 3 weeks, they could go through these and try to find their errors. They can use a different coloured pen on the paper to try to fix as many errors as they can. | |
Weekly expectations | |
Times tables | Reading |
Please ensure your children practises their times tables daily on TTRS. This only needs to be for 5/ 10 minutes per day but daily practise is proven to lead to greater fluency. | Please ensure your child has read a minimum of 5 times and logged it into their reading record. Reading is the key to them accessing the full curriculum and they will struggle with further learning without the necessary practise. |
Spellings- these will be tested on Thursdays. Please ensure they have been practised prior to this. | |
Please complete the activity on spelling shed, using your Ed Shed login in your reading records | |
| overbalance |
overthrow | |
overturned | |
overcoat | |
overslept | |
overcook | |
overpaid | |
overreact | |
overtired | |
overlooked | |
Reminders | |
| |
Happy learning! Ms Ozkaya and Mrs Pearson |
Making cartouches using clay!
Government information leaflets for parents regarding the Key Stage 2 SATs Assessments
Spring 1 2025 - This is what we will be learning this half term.
Year 6 PE Days 2024-25
Wednesday & Friday